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Year 6 transition

Advice and information for parents and students currently in Year 6, starting with us in September in Year 7.


Welcome Year 7! 


Here are some frequently asked questions you may find helpful.


What do you need for your first day of school?
Ahead of Wednesday, make sure you have your school uniform ready- link here if you need a
reminder: (Uniform Information here).

You will also need a school bag with your pencil case packed and ready. Your pencil case should
contain 2 pens, 2 pencils, a ruler, eraser, sharpener and any other stationary you want to bring!
You do not need to bring your PE kit in to school on the first day.

What will arriving in the morning be like?
Our school gates open from 8:30 in the morning, so make sure you are here by 8:35 to come
through the gates and make your way to tutor. As you come through the gates, you will see the
teachers on duty saying good morning. If you have any questions or worries, you can ask them as
you come in.

The first place you'll be going to is Assembly- you will be directed to where you need to go to line
up for this along with all the other new year 7s arriving. In your assembly you will hear from Head
of Year 7, Mr Morris- many of you will have met him during the transition days.

What will the first day be like?

To start your day, all of year 7 will be having an assembly in the Leisure centre. You will get to see
the whole year group there- there will be a lot of you! Make sure you are listening politely to the
messages throughout this assembly.

Tutor time (extended)
When you leave assembly you will go with your tutor group to your form room, which you will be in
until breaktime. This will give you plenty of time to meet new friends, get to know your tutor and
also find out lots of exciting information such as your timetable! We will also give you some more
information on the school expectations, which may be different to your last school so make sure
you listen carefully to them.

At breaktime you will get to see other people in your year group, and can have a snack and go to
the toilet. If you have any questions, remember to speak to your tutor before you leave for
breaktime! At the end of breaktime you will hear a bell. When you hear this, make sure you start
making your way to your lesson 3 class. As long as you begin making your way as soon as you
hear this bell, you should be able to arrive comfortably on time for the start of lesson 3.
Lessons 3 and 4:

Your timetable will tell you where to go and what lessons you will have. If you are unsure where to
go, show an adult your timetable and ask them to tell you where to go. All adults in the school are
happy to help and will know where you need to go if you show them your timetable.

At the end of lesson 3, your teacher will have your class pack up, and will dismiss you when the
bell goes. You will then need to go to lesson 4, but remember it might be a different place to other
people in your lesson 3, so check your timetable! If you are unsure where it is, ask the lesson 3
teacher on your way out.

After lesson 4 you will have lunchtime, and can go to the diner, delhi, back to your tutor base, or
stay outside. You should have plenty of time to eat your lunch, go to the toilet and catch up with
your friends. Make sure that you are listening out for the bell- as soon as you hear it you should
start making your way to lesson 5.

Lesson 5:
Make your way to your last lesson of the day when you hear the bell at the end of lunchtime. If you
need help finding it, ask any adult!
At the end of the day, your teacher will dismiss you. The gates will be open for you to make your
way out of school, but if you need to ask a question ask your teacher as you leave. When you
leave your school, you can get your phone out again to get in contact with any family members
coming to pick you up. 

When you get home:
Have a look at your timetable to see what your lessons will be on Thursday. Lots of people like to
pack their bags in the evening to be sure they have everything they need and check that all their
homework is complete. 

You might have been given some homework to do on your first day- if you do, you have a great
chance to impress your teachers early on!

Some school rules to remember!

Some of our school rules will be different from your last school- here are some reminders to help
you have a great first day!

Make sure your phone is off before you come through the front gate and leave it away during the
day. focus on getting to know new friends in person and working hard in your lessons!

You will be moving around the site to visit different classrooms for your subject lessons. Don't
worry about getting lost- ask for help if you need to find a subject, but make sure you start to make
your way as soon as you hear a bell to get to your lessons on time. 

In assemblies we are polite and respectful. Students wear full uniform as they enter, come in
quietly to sit down and remain quiet throughout the assembly, listening politely to the speaker.

If a teacher or adult gives you an instruction or asks you a question, listen politely and respond
immediately. All adults in the school understand that you are new and might not know all the rules
and expectations, but as long as you are respectful and follow their guidance you will have a great
start at Stantonbury school!


What if...

I'm feeling a bit anxious?
A bit of anxiety is normal- don't worry! There will be lots of friendly faces when you arrive on your
first day. If there is something you are worried about you can ask any adult that you see for help,
and the first activity you will be doing is spending time with your tutor and tutor group- these are
the people who you will get to know really well and be able to go to for help. Even if you are feeling
a bit worried, try to turn up with a smile and take the chance to say hello to new people in your
year- they're probably feeling very similar to you!

I get lost?
There will be lots of adults around during the day- any of them will be happy to help direct you if
you get lost. We all started secondary school once ourselves, so we know how it is! If you can't
see an adult easily, you can knock on a classroom door and politely ask for help. You will have
your praise log with your timetable in- show this to the person you ask for help as they will be able
to work out where you need to go.

Im missing a piece of uniform?
If there is a piece of uniform you are still waiting on, make sure you are smartly dressed, and
speak to an adult when you arrive at the school gate. You will need to ensure you get the proper
uniform as quickly as possible, but the best thing is to let us know so we can help you with any
issues. Make sure you let your parent or guardian know that you need it!

Im late?
Hopefully you won't be, but in case you do arrive after 8:45, you will need to make your way
quickly to Student services (entrance by the school leisure centre) to sign in. If you are late, make
sure you let your parent or guardian know when you get home so they can help you make sure
you are on time the next day.

I forget my pen or pencil?
If you bring 2 pens or pencils to school with you, if one gets broken or damaged during the day
you will still have a back up. If you find that you have lost of forgotten your basic equipment, make
sure you let your classroom teacher know as soon as possible so they can lend you something
and you can still complete the lesson. Remember- you will be moving from one lesson to the next,
so give your teacher back anything you have borrowed- don't take it with you!
If there is something you need, make sure you let your parent or guardian know so they can help
you find what you need.

I forget to turn my phone off before I arrive?
If you are in a lesson and realise you forgot to turn your phone off, put your hand up and politely
ask the teacher if you can turn it off. Try to remember for next time.


New year 7’s first Day: Key info for parents and guardians

First day of school: Wednesday 4th September

Term dates can all be found on the school website.

Start time: Every day school gates open at 8:30, students should be on site by 8:35. Tutor time
begins at 8:45.

End time: Students will be dismissed from their last lesson at 3:15, and will make their way off site
after this.

Uniform: (Uniform)
Equipment list: (School Equipment)

Contacting us during the school day: 
During the day students will have their mobile phones away, and will be focussing on interacting
with other students and their lessons. There are lots of adults on hand to support them if there is
an issue, and we will contact you if needed. 

If you want to get in touch during the day, please ring our reception (01908 324 400) - they will be
able to answer your question, arrange for a member of staff to get in touch, or locate your child in
an emergency. 

Who to contact if you have a worry about your child:
The best person to contact in the first instance is your childs tutor. They will see your child every
morning, and can often offer immediate support, or direct you or your child to the person who will
best be able to help with an issue. 

  • Head of Year 7: Mr Gareth Morris
  • Student Support Lead: Ms Carol Leckie

What will your child bring home at the end of their first day?
Your child will bring home their praise log at the end of the day. This will include their timetable, as
well as stamps from their teacher which will show you how their first day has gone. Hopefully they
will have had a wonderful first day and have lots to tell you, and looking at their timetable will show
you what lessons they will have in their second day.

What to do if your child is feeling anxious?
Its not uncommon for children to feel daunted at joining a new big school, but all the adults at
Stantonbury will be on hand to offer a friendly face and help guide them through their first day. This
begins at our front gate, so if your child is feeling worried encourage them to see us as they come
in and we can help calm them down and guide them to their assembly. Although lots of children do
feel anxious at first, this is often replaced with excitement as they start to make some friends and
get involved in their lessons!

We have written a student- friendly guide to the first day which you might want to read through
with your child to help them feel more secure about what the first day will be like. (Guide)


Useful Links

Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820