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Careers Data Protection

Confidentiality and Data Protection Statement for Students

In taking part in a careers guidance meeting with CDI registered careers professionals,  it 

is assumed (unless you otherwise request) that information discussed within the meeting 

can be shared with:

  • Other Stantonbury School staff such as your tutor, head of year, the senior leadership team
  • Your family (those that have parental responsibilities for you)
  • Third party organisations that could support you in your education, career, e.g., sixth 

Forms, colleges, training providers, and employers

  • If you don’t wish for information to be shared please advise our careers team after reading this document – however, without the permission it will be difficult for them to provide you with careers information, advice and guidance, as there is a requirement to log your careers action plan on the school system which staff have access to
  • You will have input into your careers action plan and will have access to an electronic copy.
  • Please be aware that our careers team will not be able to keep confidential information shared, that shows a risk of harm to you or others, in which case, they will seek advice from one of the School’s Safeguarding Team.

Data Protection

As part of Stantonbury School’s Careers Service you will be asked to provide a certain amount of personal data which is electronically recorded and kept on a database. The information you provide is the minimum necessary to deliver careers advice, information and guidance.

  • In Years 11, through to 13 we send destination data through to Milton Keynes City Local Authority (this meets the minimum statutory requirement, see paragraph below). 
  • The school and its staff comply with strict data security requirements for both paper and electronic records under The Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK’s Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data Sharing Agreement with Milton Keynes City Local Authority.

Stantonbury School has a statutory duty to share information about Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students’ transitions with the local authority.  This information comprises: student forename and surname, date of birth, gender, ethnicity code, address, parental contact details, the name of the educator, trainer or employer where the student has transitioned to (including our own school if the student has moved into our sixth form).

Provider Access Legislation

Students will receive a minimum of six meaningful interactions (between Years 7 and 13) with educators, trainers and employers.  The aim of these interactions is to ensure that students have a full understanding of apprenticeship options and opportunities, and Higher Technical Qualifications.

Stantonbury School welcomes contact from educators, trainers and employers wishing to participate in these events.  Please contact Mrs Karen Malone: . 

Useful Links

Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820