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Year 9 Options

We would like to inform you that we have successfully launched the Options Choices submission forms this afternoon, having trialed the process in schoo. 

Students should check their Stantonbury Email inbox for a link to activate their choices form, and complete their choices on the form.

The deadline for submitting this form is Monday 10th March.

You will find attached the instruction slides which have been shared with students.  These show how to complete the form and the rules that students must adhere to in submitting their entry.

If they have any difficulties, we are hosting drop in sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes next week. 

Students can come to Computer room P2 to enter their choices in school.


We hope that for many students, the past 6 weeks have provided ample opportunity to reflect on the importance of these choices, and are ready to submit.  If they are still deliberating, they have until Monday 10th March to make their decision.


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Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820