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Parents' Evening

All parents will have the opportunity each year to come to school and discuss your child's progress with their subject teachers, face to face.  In order to manage this process, we ask parents to book appointments via the SchoolCloud platform. We open the booking system 2 weeks in advance of the evening, and encourage all parents to book early as teachers have a limited number of appointments for the evening.  

In addition we hold "Meet the Tutor" evenings, where you can meet your Child's tutor to discuss your child's overall holistic approach and performance at school.  These appointments are also booked via SchoolCloud, but are conducted via a live video link on the evening, rather than in person.


Please email:  if you have any queries or have trouble booking online.

See below instructions on how to book an appointment.



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Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820