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Stantonbury School has developed a careers programme that meets the requirements of the government’s Provider Access Legislation and the Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance.

Our aim is to develop student employability skills, resilience and career management skills and inform students about local, national and international labour markets.  Students are guided to explore and develop career ideas and high aspirations; they are educated on the complete spectrum of post-16 and post-18 transitions.

We aim to stay in touch with students after they have completed their education with us and welcome the input of our Alumni into our careers programme.


Information for Stantonbury School Families

Families are encouraged to support their children by discussing careers based activities, and opportunities with them.  The careers team will develop and present an at least twice yearly careers newsletter detailing activities past and future.  It is also important to ensure that your child is aware of their wonderful positive personality traits and skills, as they will need to have a great understanding of themselves to be able to make successful transition plans. A good way of encouraging your child to become more self-aware is to support them to complete the personality profile, the interest profile, the skills profile and the work environment profile on Unifrog.  Link:

Our careers team is happy to work in partnership with families to support students and this includes hosting family meetings to discuss and explore job roles, study and training pathways.

Our Head of Careers and, or Careers Adviser attends key school events, such as Year 9 options evenings and Sixth Form Open Evening and are happy to meet with students and their families.


Information for Teachers and Other Staff

Staff play a central role in the careers education and learning that our students experience. Staff contribute effectively through:

  • Careers-focused conversations at relevant points in students’ learning
  • Taking responsibility for and implementing Careers in the Curriculum activities
  • Referring to the skills and attributes that students are developing to help students understand how they are relevant to the workplace
  • Encouraging students to challenge stereotypes and seek opportunities that are suited to their own needs, interests and aspirations
  • Delivering high-impact careers learning through our PSHCE curriculum
  • Delivering careers-based activities through the weekly tutor programme
  • Signposting students to our careers team when suitable and making referrals to our Head of Careers
  • Supporting students in understanding how their interests link to subject choices and career opportunities
  • Supporting students in their applications for post-16 and post-18 next steps.

Unifrog: students and staff have their own log in for the Unifrog platform, which enables students to create their own careers learning and preparation journey. Tutors and subject staff can utilise its teaching resources to support students with refining their interests, learning about different industries and job sectors as well as giving feedback on students’ CVs and personal statements.  Link:

Staff can make referrals for personal guidance appointments by emailing:

Staff can make requests for support with arranging employer, further education or higher education events, trips or visits by contacting


Welcome to the Stantonbury School Careers Newsletter!

Our Careers Newsletter is designed to support students in exploring future pathways, from university and apprenticeships to job opportunities and workplace skills. Stay informed about career events, industry insights, and guidance to help you plan your next steps with confidence.


Careers Policies:

CEIAG Policy

Provider Access Policy Statement

Careers Charter Policy

Careers Newsletter Summer Term 2024


Useful Links

Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820