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Exams & Performance

This information is important for all candidates & parents/carers. You will find a number of documents with regulations and guidance which students should read and be aware of for internal and external exams and coursework/controlled assessments.


Rules for Students

Below are the rules for students during exams. Students should also read the Exam Board Regulations

  • Uniform is to be worn by all students (except 6th form) when attending school during examinations.
  • Please ensure that you are outside the examination room 15 minutes before the start. Morning examinations start at 9.00am, and the afternoon examinations start at 1.30pm unless otherwise advised.
  • Always bring the appropriate equipment with you: Black pens only for writing, pencil, ruler, eraser, and any specialist equipment you are instructed to bring such as a calculator for Maths or Science, or coloured pencils for DT subjects. This is your responsibility and will not be supplied by the school. Highlighter pens can be used on question papers but not in your answers. Pencil cases must be transparent.
  • Mobile phones, headphones, earbuds, any form of watch or any technology/web enabled sources of information are NOT allowed in ANY examination room. Possession will lead to disqualification, whether they are switched on or off when found. They must be switched off and handed to the invigilator before entering the examination room. It is students’ responsibility to ensure they do not have these in their possession in the exam rooms.
  • You will not be allowed to leave the examination room until the end of the examination unless you are ill or need to go to the toilet.
  • To attract the attention of an invigilator during the examination, raise your arm and someone will come to you. Silence should be maintained in the exam room.
  • Any student causing a disturbance will be removed from the examination, and their paper will be cancelled.
  • If you are going to be late for an exam, phone the school as soon as possible. If you arrive late, you may or may not be allowed to take the examination.
  • If you are ill on the day of the examination, you may need to obtain a doctor’s note.
  • Students are allocated a Candidate number which will identify you for all exams until you leave Stantonbury School.



Certificates are sent to the school during the term following exams and can be collected from The Exams Office once they are ready, usually in December. We will hold ‘drop in’ days where you can come in and collect them. Students still at Stantonbury will be notified when they are available, and a notice will be published on the school website for all other ex-students. Certificates must be signed for, and therefore cannot be posted. Please be advised we are only legally required to hold certificates for 12 months. After this date, certificates may be destroyed. It is very important that you collect your certificates when they are available.

Please keep your examination certificates in a safe place. They are often required for employment opportunities, applications to universities etc., in the future. Obtaining replacements from exam boards can be a lengthy and expensive process.

Candidates can nominate another person to collect results or certificates on their behalf by providing written permission, either in a signed letter or by email. The nominated person must have either a copy of the letter/email or appropriate ID with them on collection.

Old certificates

Please email to see if we still have your certificates and we will arrange a convenient time for collection (only during term time). 

Useful Links

Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820