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Student Absence: 01908 324411 | Text: 07860050167


Parents Guide to Attendance

Stantonbury School is committed to transforming educational achievement and to providing the students with the best possible care and learning environment. Stantonbury School believes regular attendance and punctuality is vital to successful learning.

To achieve this Stantonbury School commits to:

  • Promoting good attendance, setting all students a minimum target of 95%
  • Reducing absence, including persistent absence
  • Ensuring every student has access to full-time education to which they are entitled
  • Acting early to address patterns of absence

Report an absence today

If your child is not going to be in school today, please contact the absence team before 9am to let us know the reason.

Call: 01908 324 411

Absence Requests

If you need to request an absence, please complete the online form below or print out the form and return it to the attendance team via School Reception or email to , who will inform you if the absence is approved.

Student absence policy

For full details on absence approval please see our attendance policy.

Leave of Absence Request Form

Name of Student *
Tutor Group *

I wish to take my son/daughter out of school on the following dates and for the following reason;

Start of Absence *
End of Absence *

It is our aim to be sensitive and understanding of exceptional circumstances, while ensuring the education of our students is prioritised. We follow government guidance that term time leave can only be granted in rare, significant, and unavoidable circumstances, and for a short time.

Reason for Absence *

I/We understand that taking my/our child out of school for an unauthorised reason may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued by Milton Keynes Council. Fixed Penalty Notices are issued to each parent for each child. Fixed Penalty Notices are £60 if paid within 21 days and £120 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the fine is not paid, parents will be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court. 

If travelling abroad, please let us know about your travel plans in the boxes below.

Where are you travelling to?
What is your intended route and how long will this journey take you?
Signature *Use your mouse, a stylus or your finger to sign
Name of Parent/Carer *

This form will be sent electronically by email to .


Please use this link to the Milton Keynes Council website explaining school attendance and the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices.

Useful Links

Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820