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Careers Post-16 and Post-18 Pathways

Post-16 and Post-18 Pathways

Beginning to explore what you are going to do when you reach a transition point can be such an exciting time.  However, for some students the breadth of choice can make the process feel overwhelming.  Our careers team is available to support students to explore and make appropriate transition choices.  Students from all year groups have access to our Head of Careers or Careers Adviser via the School’s lunchtime career drop-ins which run, Monday to Thursday, term-time (Friday for students who access our SEND base).

Further Education

Year 11 students and their families are sent, up to date information on transition options for a range of academic abilities during the autumn term (this includes foundation learning for students who may need more one-to-one support).  Year 11 students also receive an assembly detailing these options and are given information on the deadlines for making applications.  Year 11 students receive personal guidance based on their job role preferences and academic ability.  Where students are unsure of job role preferences they are supported to complete personality profiles which show their job role matches.  Students’ progression with their transition plans are monitored and students are supported until they receive offers appropriate to their academic abilities.  Each academic year, wherever possible the School will hold a Year 11 and Sixth Form Careers Fair to enable students to explore a wide range of career and study options; enabling them to make informed transition choices.

Higher Education

Students transitioning after Year 13 have the following opportunities:

  • Higher education (University or College)
  • Apprenticeships (including higher and degree apprenticeships)
  • Higher Technical Qualifications
  • Full time employment
  • Gap Year (to gain meaningful travel, work, voluntary experience or to study a short course).

How to decide what to do:

What do you enjoy?  What subjects do you do best in?  Do you have a passion for learning?  Do you have job ideas?  How do you prefer to learn?

Answering these questions will help students to workout which is the right study and training pathway for them.  Additionally students all have access to our online careers platform - Unifrog.


All students have access to this excellent online careers platform.  Link: 

Unifrog is a universal destinations platform, a one-stop-shop for whole-careers guidance.  Its aim is to level the playing field when it comes to students searching for the best opportunities and applying successfully for courses, apprenticeships and work.  

Unifrog is used in school within careers and PSHE, teaching staff refer to Unifrog at the start of each new topic and have access to a wide range of subject and careers related resources.

It is a platform that allows students to explore their positive personality traits, skills and working environment preferences.  It provides teaching resources, short course information and a wealth of information on colleges, sixth forms, and universities in the UK and internationally, and apprenticeships.  It has a large library of careers profiles and helpful Know-how guides on a wide range of topics (from writing a CV through to making Oxbridge applications).

Our Head of Careers strongly recommends its use to students, families and staff.  Parents can seek advice from our Head of Careers, or Careers Adviser.

Further Transition Information:

Students: when you leave Stantonbury School we ask students and families to email our Careers Administrator with where you are transitioning to (sixth form, college, training provider, university, employer etc.), please email: .  

We will keep in contact with your family, to keep up to date with what you go on to do in terms of education and work.  We will also advise on school careers events in case you wish to volunteer.  We are always here to help, even after you leave school.  Just email our Head of Careers and arrange a career appointment.

Remember, you have to be in some form of recognised study and training until your 18th birthday; so whilst you may go into employment aged 16-years, it must involve an element of accredited study towards that role for at least one-day-per-week.


Local and Regional Colleges:


Gap Year Websites:

Careers Platforms:

Useful Links

Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820