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Student Absence: 01908 324411 | Text: 07860050167

Contact Stantonbury School

Student Absence

If your child is unable to attend school please contact the school on the attendance phone number: 01908 324411 or text 07860050167.

To register an advanced notice of absence please email .


Use our safeguarding email. Messages are picked up daily either by the school Designated Safeguarding Lead – K Shires, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – T Rule or the School's Senior Child Protection Officer – M Randall. 


Please put ‘Confidential’ in the subject line of the email.

General Enquiries

For general enquiries please use the webform below.

Telephone: 01908 324400

Stantonbury School

Milton Keynes,
MK14 6BN

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Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820