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Improved Ofsted Rating

I am pleased to be able to share the outcome of our most recent Ofsted report.

The inspectors have recognised the substantial improvements that have been made to the school in the short time since it joined the Tove Learning Trust in September 2021. During the inspection five areas of our work are judged and these grades then contribute to the overall inspection grade. Inspectors use four grades; outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate.

The table below shows the significant improvements we have made in inspection outcomes from 2021 to 2024. I am really pleased that we have moved up by at least a grade across so many areas and delighted that Ofsted recognised strengths in personal development, the sixth form and leadership and management. I feel that the inspection report provides an accurate summary of where the school is at this point in time.


The report contains lots of detail about the inspection and what inspectors found when they observed teaching, examined student workbooks, spoke to students and staff and considered the views of parents. The inspection process and the inspection report helps us to draw out some key messages for parents and students as we look to build on the progress we have made so far.

Key messages for parents and students;

  • Positive inspection outcomes
  • We have an ambitious curriculum and high aspirations for our students
  • Behaviour is generally orderly and classrooms are settled
  • The school is inclusive and has a positive sense of community
  • Teaching and outcomes in the Sixth Form are strengths
  • Although overall attendance is low it is improving as a result of the support provided to families
  • Wide ranging and detailed careers programme
  • Wide range of clubs and activities
  • Parental involvement and engagement has been a significant part of school improvement
  • Leaders and Governors have an accurate view of the strengths and weaknesses of the school and have a suitable plan to secure further improvements

Areas for us to improve:

  • Improvements to teaching to ensure that all teachers reach the standards of best practice
  • More consistent use of the systems to manage behaviour and reduce low level disruption (praise logs are already helping with this)
  • Introduce consistent approaches to checking that students have understood concepts before the learning moves on
  • Improving attendance so that fewer students miss out on our ambitious curriculum and opportunities for personal development

Although we are very pleased with the improved inspection grade we recognise that there is still much to be done so that we can be judged good or better in all areas by the next time Ofsted visit. Leaders and Governors are now in the process of drawing up a post inspection plan that will enable this to happen.

We hope that the Ofsted report will provide assurance that the school is heading in the right direction. During the verbal feedback that was provided to the leadership team and Governors at the end of the inspection the lead inspector read a quote from a parent response to the Ofsted parent view survey; ‘The school is heading in the right direction and we are just starting to benefit - it can now grow and develop further’. I think this is a great summary of where we are.

Thank you for your continued support of Stantonbury School.

Ben Wilson
Associate Principal

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Contact Us

Stantonbury School
Milton Keynes
MK14 6BN

01908 324400

Tove Learning Trust

Registered Number: 07525820


Year 9 Options Event

All students and families are invited!

Come and explore the range of subjects on offer for year 10

Date: Thursday 30th January

Time: 4:00–6:45 PM

Location: Turing Building